Portal’s Edge

We took some of the phrase material from Rupture Front unto the mud, and made a dance film that stands alone. Thank again to Abby Koskinas and Sydney Samson, for their eagerness to try anything!  

Two Video

Claire Melbourne and I had a lot of fun dancing Two by Katherine Moore.

Rupture Front Video

Abby Koskinas, Sydney Samson and I proudly showed Rupture Front last weekend. According to the United States Geological Survey, a Rupture Front is “the instantaneous boundary between slipping and locked parts of a fault during and earthquake.”While creating this duet, I pondered the edges of female identity. Does identifying as female define me? Am I supposed to fit…

Rupture Front (April 5-7, 2018)

3/30/17 update: The OSU Spring Concert is next weekend, and I’m excited to share Rupture Front. This Duet explores slipping and locked boundaries of identity, and wonders what erupts through the cracks in our crust. According to the United States Geological Survey, a Rupture Front is “the instantaneous boundary between the slipping and locked parts of a fault during…

Isadora Between Realms

Last fall, Erin Drummond graciously agreed to to wake up at the break of dawn in a cold fall morning to film with me in the water and rolling around in the sand. We were finding sand in our hair and our ears for weeks (possibly even months) and and it took me almost a…

Duet in Progress

I’ve been working the Abby and Sydney, two fabulous freshman dance majors, on a duet. We haven’t shared it with anyone yet… until now. It’s a work in progress, so I’d love to hear what draws you in and what you want more of! This piece has emerged somewhat like a free write in a…