Feb. 11-13, 2021 – Dancescape 2021: A Dance Film Festival

As a guest artist and adjunct faculty member in the Theatre & Dance Department at Winona State University, I has the pleasure of making interbody.dance, a screendance. February 11-13, check out interbody.dance and the other films made my students and faculty at Winona State in Dancescape 2021: A Dance Film Festival! Get your tickets here,…


Working with students from the Department of Theatre and Dance at Winona State University, Micah Speller (Composer), Ben Serviss (Web designer and Coder), Claire Melbourne (Coder), and Kathryn Nusa Logan (Dramaturg), we created a screendance and website called interbody.dance! While you’re on the site, see its inner workings (thoughts) by right-clicking (or control-click in a…

Vantage Being

Vantage Being‘s performances at the Urban Arts Space are going well! The piece combines an interactive video installation, live dance performance, and localized soundscapes to invite viewers to explore and making choices. As audience members move among live performers and interact with video installations they choose which parts of the multiple concurrent live and video-based…

Becoming-Creature/Interactive Media Field Review

I am devising a performance in a gallery that combines interactive video installation and dancers becoming-creature. I postulate that the interactive installation prepares spectators to examine their frame of reference and participate in their own viewing of the live performance. A creative process derived from Deleuzian philosophy of “becoming-animal” removes the need to align with…

Vasifis, Oxipit, Unknown A, and Sylv

The performers, Sydney Samson, Abby Koskinas, Caitlyn Higley, Kara Komarnitsky, and I created this quartet together. Each performer imagined and became their unique creature. (Please excuse the jarring edits–the piece was performed in the round and videoed from opposite corners.)

Unbecoming Human: An Online Screendance Festival

Curatorial Statement This two-part online screendance festival explores the possibilities and abilities that “unbecoming human” creates. Screendances in part one if the program present unbecoming human through becoming creature. In these screendance pieces, humans perform animality or creature-ness, through movement vocabulary and edited or mediated imagery. While some characters in these films seem limited by…

Experiential Window System

This interactive window came on the heels of a video installation that I made for the Hopkin’s Hall Gallery, State of Swing. Making this, I considered reality’s complexity, and the filtering and framing we do to make meaning for ourselves. Two videos play simultaneously, and filters hang on a pedestal for viewers to pick up and look…

State of Swing (Hopkins Hall Gallery Oct 15 – Nov 29)

What you need to know before you watch: I created this film for exhibition in a gallery show called Cinema Expanded. It will be in the Hopkins Hall Gallery from Monday, October 15 to Thursday, November 29.  The projector sits on a pedestal on the gallery, shining this film onto a white wall. Colored gels (or filters) hang…

Edinburgh Fringe (Aug. 16-22)

After almost two years of rehearsals, I have just finished a weekend of Pie Equals Square performances, and the audiences in Minneapolis seemed to enjoy the work! Paula Mann, the choreographer, creates like mad! In fact, I think she scrapped about 2/3 (if not more) of the movement that had once been in the piece–vehemently rejecting…

Contra: Dance & Conflict Paper Presentation

Thanks to the Ray Travel Award, the Arts & Humanities Small Grants and the OSU Department of Dance Semester Funding Initiative, I have just returned from the 2018 Dance Studies Association conference, a meeting of international dance scholars and practitioners in Valletta, Malta. My paper compared the experiences of the Syrian-Lebanese population with those of…